Posts Tagged ‘DNA CSI’


Thanks from Kuils River CPF

Thu, Apr 21st, 2016

We recently received a wonderful thank you email from the Kuils River CPF following a DNA and crime scene awareness workshop we presented for them on the 12th of March 2016 that we wish to share…

Good day Ms Moodley

I must share this with you.

The neighborhood watch members whom attended the DNA course. Had an opportunity to attend a crime scene before the police or any armed response companies and could secure and preserve the crime properly and done an excellent hand over of the scene to SAPS.

Thank you for the workshop the neighborhood watch members are now talking highly of the course and are encouraging other members to attend the next course.

Well done to DNA Project.

Kind Regards
Wesley Prinsloo

Well done to the Kuils River CPF members on successfully securing their crime scene for the SAPS!

Kuils River CPF workshop presented by DNAP trainer Renate on 12 March 2016

Operation: DNA CSI 2.0

Thu, Feb 5th, 2015

February is quite the month of change with the DNA Act becoming operational from the 31st of January 2015.

Another nice change that we would like to share with you is our newly redesigned ‘DNA CSI’ website which focuses on our DNA Awareness Campaign.

Please visit to view our new design or to learn more about our workshops and how you can book one for your organisation, group or company.

Our new 'Operation: DNA CSI' 2.0 website