February is quite the month of change with the DNA Act becoming operational from the 31st of January 2015.
Another nice change that we would like to share with you is our newly redesigned ‘DNA CSI’ website which focuses on our DNA Awareness Campaign.
Please visit http://operation-dna-csi.weebly.com to view our new design or to learn more about our workshops and how you can book one for your organisation, group or company.
Tags: dna awareness campaign, DNA CSI
Good day
My name is Ralcia van Wyk
I am seriously interested in A CAREER in the DNA field or aother forensic fields related to DNA. The bsc Forensic course was only implemented in 2014 at UOFS and by then I was in my final year as a photography student. I completed a Photography Diploma course with the hope to get in easier as a Police Officer. From there my dream was to study further in the forensic Department via the Police Department.
I applied and was invited for a test.
To my dissapointment my “character” does not fit the system because i am to soft and gentle. I am passionate about the filed of forensics, hardworking and very determined and will do whatever it takes to work in a forensice Laborotary.
However, I cannot afford to go back fulltime for another four years to complete the B.Sc course. Had it been available in my first year in 2011 I would have opted to do it.
Please provide me with a list of possible institutions where my photography diploma can be advantages in the forensic field.