24 January 2013
A reader raised the question yesterday as to why the South African Government are objecting to passing DNA legislation in South Africa – the answer is that there is no objection – they are simply not prioritising it!
It is however heartening to report that we can confirm that a final draft of the proposed DNA Bill is now ready to be tabled in Parliament – The Secretariat for Police, Jenny Irish-Qhobosheane, advised us this week that this will happen after the State of the Nation address on the 14th Feb. 2013.
There are only two Bills currently before the Portfolio Committee on Police: The Dangerous Weapons Bill (which is all of 7 pages long, of which only two pages are substantive)! – and the Private Security Industry Regulation Amendment Bill. We have been advised that the Dangerous Weapons Bill will be dealt with first and that the DNA Bill will be dealt with next and will be prioritised over the Private Security Bill. This however remains to be seen and should we see that the Private Security Bill takes precedence over the DNA Bill, we will be vociferous in our response, as we hope you will be too! If the Portfolio Committee on Police should deem the Private Security Amendment Bill to be more important than the DNA Bill, which literally has the ability to take rapists and murderers off the street, it would be not only alarming, but despicable.
We will be keeping very close track of the progress of the DNA Bill in the following weeks and will provide constant updates on our website and via Facebook.
Vanessa Lynch.
I would like the DNA Project to continue with its work as the core function of your work have detrimental impact on every south african citizen.I am working with taverns where crime scenes are common but unfortunately not much attention have been given to the drinking establishment both in the city and in the informal settlements.I would however would like to receive more information as I have personally observed many crime scenes and do not possess any knowledge about Crime Scene Management.Every year licenced holders in township drinking establishment are killed by armed robbers and many patrons are also killed by fellow patrons.Most of the time most crime scenes get tampered with for various reasons.which often leads to murder cases been withdrawn or thrown out due to lack of evidence.This is a miscarriage of justice for the deceased and his family and this further makes our townships vulnerable to crime.I would like to volunteer and to be invited to workshops as to get abreast as right to justice is a constitutional imperative and a human right;s issue.
Yours Faithfully
Samukelisiwe Coka
083 6909 497
Inkanyezi Foundation