The DNA Bill is official: click on the links below to read the official DNA Bill which has been introduced into Parliament for review. DNA BILL B09-2013.9 MAY 2013
We expect calls for public submissions to be advertised Within the next few weeks, so please watch this space to ensure that you don’t miss out on the chance of sending in your written submission to Parliament in support of the Bill. Details will be published on this website, facebook and twitter and as soon as we are given same.
Bill 09 – Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill [B9-2013]
Bill Version:
Effective Date:
8 May 2013
Document Attachment:
Hi Dianna Thomson, I am a journalist and I would love to do a story on this bill. Would you mind getting in touch with me?I think the public can better understand the bill if they hear of stories like yours.
I am so excited about this. If we had DNA testing and data base available 5 years ago, my son’s murderers might have been convicted by now .
We need to catch up with the rest of the world in our fight against crime and this is going to be the best tool ever!
Well done to Vanessa and her team for getting it this far. May our Politicians join the rest of the world and pass it.!