Posts Tagged ‘sponsor of the month’


Open Society Foundation for South Africa

Mon, Mar 3rd, 2014

The Open Society Foundation for South Africa, a grant-making organisation, is a member of the International Soros Foundations Network.

Their Chairman George Soros began his philanthropy in South Africa in 1979, funding scholarships for black students at the University of Cape Town. In 1993, Soros established the OSF-SA, just before the historic 1994 democratic election.

Throughout the entire course of this process, the OSF-SA have been committed to promoting the values, institutions, and practices of an open, non-racial and non-sexist, democratic, civil society in which the rule of law and divergent opinions are respected. Their efforts focus on four main areas of activity: promoting public- and private-sector accountability; advancing civil society and socioeconomic rights; protecting the free flow of information and freedom of expression; and strengthening justice and equality.

To learn more about this amazing organisation, please visit their website:

Sponsor and profile of the month

Mon, Feb 3rd, 2014

The work we accomplish as the DNA Project is in no small part thanks to the dedication of an amazing group of individuals that encompasses the DNA Project family as well as the incredible help and generous support we receive from our sponsors.

As a thank you and means for our supporters to learn more about the the DNA Project, we’ll be showcasing one of our sponsor’s or team member’s profiles each month beginning from February.

This month’s chosen sponsor is the Mike Thomson “Change a Life” Trust.

The Mike Thomson Change a Life Trust, launched by Computershare in 2008, is one of our most generous sponsors which is dedicated to a peaceful future for all South Africans. It supports effective, grassroots programmes that aim to address the causes and symptoms of crime. The DNA Project is fortunate to be one of the beneficiaries of this incredible initiative.

The Change a Life Trust currently supports the DNA Project, iChoose to Change a Life, the Martin Dreyer Change a Life Academy, the Allan Thomson Kushido Karate-do and Nemato Change a Life.

Change a Life’s primary fundraiser is an annual Change a Life Cycle Tour and the 2014 Change a Life Masquerade Cycle Tour, scheduled to take place from 13 to 18 September, promises to be one of their most dramatic tours yet. The four day 500 km cycle tour will start in the beautiful Western Cape and looks to be an extreme challenge for all participants.

The 2014 Change a Life Masquerade Cycle Tour, scheduled to take place from 13 to 18 September promises to be one of our most dramatic tours yet. In keeping with the exclusive luxury and pampering our high profile executive cyclists have become accustomed to, the 2014 tour is designed around the fabulous Rovos Rail – rated one of the world’s top 25 trains – which will provide quality accommodation and transport between the stages. Without giving too much away, we can confirm that the four day 500 km cycle tour starting in the beautiful Western Cape will more than fulfil our participants’ expectations of an extreme challenge, while the après cycle experiences will be filled with all the drama and intrigue of a masquerade ball…

To learn more about Change a life please visit or