Posts Tagged ‘laboratory’


CSI: Reality vs Fiction

Mon, Aug 22nd, 2011

CSIWe have all seen some form of those crime television programs, whether it’s CSI, NCIS or some other program with an arm length acronym. They all seem to follow the same cookie cut scenarios: a crime is committed, the overly good looking CSI guys arrive and collect the smallest traces of physical evidence which no human would be able to find without super-vision. Then they race back to their state of the art labs where they instantly identify exactly who committed the crime, rush off to arrest the suspects and deliver a clever line about how could they think they would get away with the crime. Although these shows are extremely interesting and most of the techniques are accurate, the time frame is often enormously exaggerated. For example, in my lab we enjoyed watching this clip from CSI where what took them 60 seconds, would take us an entire day, not to say we were lazy and took our time, if they were to show the entire process it would be extremely boring and the show would lose all suspense.

Horatio CaineSo although CSI is based on accurate information, it is largely a fictional program. It would be illogical to have someone like Horatio Caine working on a case from beginning to end, if the criminals knew who is working with a sample which could alter the verdict of their sentence, they would try their upmost to influence or threaten that person.  So in reality, the forensic analyst works with anonymous samples so there is no bias or chance of influencing the results.

Another interesting byproduct of these shows is a new psychological effect, called the ‘CSI effect’ named after the original crime scene program but all of these crime scene programs adds to the effect.

You would think this ‘CSI effect’ would not have any real world ramifications, however, the effects are being felt in America courtrooms where they use a panel of their peers to decide the verdict of a criminal case. During jury selections, potential jurors are now being asked whether they are avid watchers of CSI related TV shows as these people may have unrealistic expectations in certain cases. They expect to have some form of DNA or physical evidence linking the criminal to the crime scene everytime and without it they are less likely to find the defendant guilty, as well as they jury have a higher conviction rate if DNA evidence is available. With jurors heard to complain that “they didn’t even dust for fingerprints on the lawn”, the level of unrealistic expectations has increased.

A paper was published in the journal, National Institute of Justice, where they looked at this CSI effect. The survey indicated jurors that, 46 % they expected some kind of scientific evidence in every criminal case, 22% expected some kind of DNA evidence, 36 % expected fingerprint evidence, and 32% expected some kind of ballistic or firearm lab evidence. However, contrary to the expectations of the study, jurors were more likely to find a defendant guilty than not guilty even without scientific evidence if the victim or other witnesses testified, except in the case of rape. So although crime scene TV shows caused jurors to have higher expectations for scientific evidence than there non-watching counterparts, these expectations had little effect on the jurors propensity to convict.

Although there is anecdotal evidence that this ‘CSI Effect’ which has increased the layman’s knowledge of these scientific practices exists, there does not seem to be any real world influence, at least in the case of jurors.

Anyone who watches these programs will say they are extremely interesting, whether they are skeptical or believe every part of the show is a different story.  In South Africa where crime seems to be a pastime, it is sweet respite to be able to watch these guys on TV find and arrest criminals using physical evidence, whether its ballistics or DNA evidence, hoping that these techniques are being used to catch our criminals here.


This week’s blog entry was written and compiled by Grant Godsmark, a Genetic Hons student who works with The DNA Project and conducts DNA Awareness Training in the KZN Region. Read more about Grant here

Grant Godsmark

Grant Godsmark

Exciting New Job Opportunities being offered at Forensic Science Labs throughout SA

Wed, Aug 10th, 2011

We are very excited to report that the Forensic Science Laboratory is currently looking for forensic analysts to fill over 150 new posts throughout SA. There are posts being offered in the Biology (DNA) Unit, Chemistry Unit as well as in Ballistics.
The generic minimum requirements applicable to all posts are as follows:

• Competence in the post-specific core functions of the advertised post

• Senior Certificate (Grade 12) and a relevant degree or diploma applicable to the specific post (NQF6), as specified below at each post

• Computer literate

• Valid motor vehicle driver’s licence is an advantage

• Fluent in at least two of the official languages, of which one must be English

• The posts are appointments in terms of the South African Police Service Act of 1995

• Recommended applicants will be subjected to a medical examination, before the appointment will be finally approved

• All successful candidates will undergo basic Police training and relevant specialised training in the field of application for a period that will be determined by the National Commissioner

• All applicants will be subjected to a vetting and relevant screening process

• Successful applicants may, upon appointment and completion of their training, be expected from time to time depending on the needs of the organisation to work flexi hours or shifts in the execution of their duties.

The closing date for applications is the 19 August 2011. Please also take note of the ***Important General Information posted below. If you are interested or know someone who may be interested in applying for a post at the FSL, please pass on this information.

Below please find details of the posts being offered or click here to view the original job advertisement.:

Forensic Science Laboratory
Forensic Analysts – DNA (Biology Unit) (76 Posts)
Western Cape (35 posts) (Ref. FS 155/2011) • KwaZulu-Natal (13 posts) (Ref. FS156/2011) • Pretoria (16) (Ref. FS 157/2011) • Eastern Cape (12 posts) (Ref. FS158/2011)

Section: Biology Component: Forensic Science Laboratory

Salary level: Band B1 Notch 3: R174 264 per annum
Core functions: Analyse biological material up to the level of evidence processing or analysis of DNA results • Submit reports regarding analysis performed • Present expert testimony in court.
Additional requirements: Degree/National Diploma in the Natural Sciences majoring in one or more of the following: Microbiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology, Medical Science/Technology, Molecular Biology and Physiology.

Forensic Analysts – Chemistry Unit (18 Posts)
Western Cape (8) (Ref. FS159/2011) • KwaZulu-Natal (2) (Ref. FS160/2011) • Pretoria (6) (Ref. FS161/2011) • Eastern Cape (2) (Ref.FS162/2011)

Section: Chemistry Sub-section: Drugs/Toxicology Component: Forensic Science Laboratory

Salary level: Band B1 Notch 3: R174 264 per annum
Core functions: Examine exhibit material of drug-related cases and toxicology cases, including the issuing of reports on relevant findings • Render expert evidence in court • Maintain the FSL Quality • Management System • Maintain instrumentation • Perform general administrative duties related to casework.
Additional requirements: BSc degree (majors: Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry/Organic Chemistry/Applied Chemistry/Pure and Applied Chemistry), or a National Diploma • BTech in Analytical Chemistry.
Forensic Analysts – Chemistry Unit (17 Posts)
Western Cape (5) (Ref. FS163/2011) • KwaZulu-Natal (4) (Ref. FS164/2011) • Pretoria (6) (Ref. FS 165/2011) • Eastern Cape (2) (Ref. FS166 /2011)

Section: Chemistry Sub-section: Fire Component: Forensic Science Laboratory Salary level: Band B1 Notch 3: R174 264 per annum
Core functions: Perform forensic crime scene investigations, mainly fire scene investigation and forensic analysis of exhibit material, including the issuing of reports on relevant findings • Render expert evidence in court • Maintain the FSL Quality Management System • Maintain instrumentation • Perform general administrative duties related to casework.
Additional requirements: BSc degree (majors: Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry/Organic Chemistry/Applied Chemistry/Pure and Applied Chemistry), or a National Diploma • BTech in Analytical Chemistry.
Assistant Engineers – Ballistics (6 Posts)
Western Cape (2) (Ref. FS167 /2011) • Pretoria (4) (Ref. FS168 /2011) Section: Ballistics Sub-section: Mechanical Engineering Component: Forensic Science Laboratory Salary level: Band B1 Notch 3: R174 264 per annum
Core functions: Render an effective and efficient mechanical and metallurgical engineering examination service to all investigators of crime • Administer the engineering case file assigned to the forensic analyst • Investigate crime scenes • Present testimony in court • Perform failure analysis on metallurgical samples • Investigate vehicle accidents • Support engineering investigations into vehicle theft crimes.
Additional requirements: BEng: Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering or National Diploma/B Tech in Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering • Registration with the Engineering Council of South Africa would be an added advantage.

Forensic Analysts – Ballistics (10 Posts)
Western Cape (3) (Ref. FS169/2011) • Pretoria (3) (Ref. FS 170/2011) • KwaZulu-Natal (4) (Ref. FS171/2011) Section: Ballistics Component: Forensic Science Laboratory Salary level: Band B1 Notch 3: R174 264 per annum
Core functions: Examine ballistic-related cases, including identification and analysis of firearms, tool mark analysis, bite mark analysis, wound ballistics and the establishment of the IBIS database • Investigate and reconstruct ballistic-related crime scenes • Submit reports regarding analyses performed • Present expert testimony in court • Perform general administrative duties related to casework.
Additional requirements: Degree/National Diploma majoring in one or more of the following: Forensic Investigation/Science, Criminalistics, Police Science, Armourer, Criminology, Police Administration, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Law of Evidence, Medical Technology, Medical Science, Physics, Chemistry – Analytical/Pure and Applied, Computer Science, Mathematical Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Metallurgy.

Forensic Analysts – Questioned Documents (10 Posts)
Western Cape (2) (Ref. FS172/2011) • Pretoria (2) (Ref. FS173 /2011) • KwaZulu-Natal (3) (Ref. FS174 /2011) • Eastern Cape (3) (Ref. FS 175/2011) Section: Questioned Documents Component: Forensic Science Laboratory Salary level: Band B1 Notch 3: R174 264 per annum
Core functions: Examine questioned document cases, including ink analysis, handwriting analysis, bank notes, identification and travel documentation as well as credit card analysis. • Establishment of questioned documents database. • Conduct questioned documents-related research. • Present expert testimony in court • Submit reports regarding analysis performed • Perform general administrative duties related to casework.
Additional requirements: National Diploma majoring in one or more of the following: Policing, Police Administration, Police Science • BA/BIuries/BProc/LLB or diploma in Chemistry • BA or BA (Hons) specialising in Criminology.

Forensic Analysts – Scientific Analysis (2 Posts)
Pretoria (Image) Section: Scientific Analysis Component: Forensic Science Laboratory Salary level: Band B1 Notch 3: R174 264 per annum (Ref. FS176/2011)
Core functions: Conduct forensic analysis of CCTV material • Present testimony in court • Attend crime scene • Research, develop and validate procedures • Perform general administrative duties related to casework.
Additional requirements: National Diploma/B Tech in one or more of the following: Fine Arts/Graphic Design with Photography as a subject, Multimedia or Photography • Proven and demonstrable experience in Adobe Premium.

Forensic Analysts – Scientific Analysis (2 Posts)
Pretoria (Material Analysis)
Section: Scientific Analysis Component: Forensic Science Laboratory Salary level: Band B1 Notch 3: R174 264 per annum (Ref. FS 177/2011)
Core functions: Conduct scientific analysis and examine cases, mainly environmental and/or geological, including precious metals and soil analysis • Present expert testimony in court • Submit reports regarding analyses performed • Examine the crime scene • Maintain and calibrate instruments • Perform general administrative duties related to casework.
Additional requirements: Degree majoring in one or more of the following: Analytical Chemistry or Geology with a minimum of three years’ experience in an analytical laboratory • Proven and demonstrable experience in one or more of statistics, microscopy, mineralogy, gemology and analytical chemistry will be an added advantage.

Criminal Record and Crime Scene Management
Forensic Analyst: Laboratory Technicians

• Eastern Cape: * Cradock (2) (Ref. FS 178/2011) * Grahamstown (2) (Ref. FS 179/2011) * Fort Beaufort (1) (Ref. FS 180/2011) * Jeffreys Bay (1) (Ref. FS 181/2011) * King William’s Town (2) (Ref. FS 182/2011) * Middelburg (2) (Ref. FS 183/2011) * Port Alfred (2) (Ref. FS 184/2011) * Mount Road (PE) (1) (Ref. FS 185/2011) * Queenstown (1) (Ref. FS 186/2011) * Uitenhage (1) (Ref. FS 187/2011) * Province Task Team (5) (Ref. FS 188/2011) * Mthatha (1) (Ref. FS 189/2011) • Free State: * Welkom (2) (Ref. FS 190/2011) * Parkweg (Bloemfontein) (1) (Ref. FS 191/2011) * Bethlehem (2) (Ref. FS 192/2011) * Kroonstad (1) (Ref. FS 193/2011) * Puthaditjhaba(1) (Ref. FS 194/2011) * Selosesha (1) (Ref. FS 195/2011) * Sasolburg (2) (Ref. FS 196/2011) • Gauteng: * Joburg Central (1) (Ref. FS 197/2011) * Krugersdorp (1) (Ref. FS 198/2011) * Pretoria Central (1) (Ref. FS 199/2011) * Protea Glen (1) (Ref. FS 200/2011) * Kempton Park (1) (Ref. FS 201/2011) * Sandton (2) (Ref. FS 202/2011) * Pretoria North (1) (Ref. FS 203/2011) * Vereeniging (1) (Ref. FS 204/2011) • Lyttelton (1) (Ref. FS 205/2011) * Springs (1) (Ref. FS 206/2011) * Garankuwa (1) (Ref. FS 207/2011) • KwaZulu-Natal: * Ladysmith (1) (Ref. FS 208/2011) * Vryheid (1) (Ref. FS 209/2011) * Mtubatuba (2) (Ref. FS 210/2011) * Newcastle (1) (Ref. FS 211/2011) * Kokstad (1) (Ref. FS 212/2011) * Pietermaritzburg (1) (Ref. FS 213/2011) • Limpopo: * Lephalale (1) (Ref. FS 214/2011) * Modimolle (1) (Ref. FS 215/2011) * Lebowakgomo (1) (Ref. FS 216/2011) * Thabazimbi (1) (Ref. FS 217/2011) * Thohoyandou (1) (Ref. FS 218/2011) * Musina (1) (Ref. FS 219/2011) * Polokwane (1) (Ref. FS 220/2011) • Mpumalanga: * Ermelo (1) (Ref. FS 221/2011) * Acornhoek (1) (Ref. FS 222/2011) * Witbank (1) (Ref. FS 223/2011) * Lydenburg (1) (Ref. FS 224/2011) * Secunda (1) (Ref. FS 225/2011) * Nelspruit (1) (Ref. FS 226/2011) * Elukwatini (2) (Ref. FS 227/2011) • North West: * Brits (1) (Ref. FS 228/2011) * Klerksdorp (1) (Ref. FS 229/2011) * Lichtenburg (1) (Ref. FS 230/2011) * Mmabatho (1) (Ref. FS 231/2011) * Potchefstroom (2) (Ref. FS 232/2011) * Rustenburg (1) (Ref. FS 233/20110 * Vryburg (2) (Ref. FS 234/2011) • Northern Cape: * De Aar (1) (Ref. FS 235/2011) * Upington (1) (Ref. FS 236/2011) * Springbok (1) (Ref. FS 237/2011) * Kimberley (1) (Ref. FS 238/2011) * Kuruman (1) (Ref. FS 239/2011) • Western Cape: * Cape Town Central (1) (Ref. FS 240/2011) * Mitchells Plain (1) (Ref. FS 241/2011) * Bellville (1) (Ref. FS 242/2011) * Worcester (1) (Ref. FS 243/2011) * Beaufort West (1) (Ref. FS 244/2011) * George (1) (Ref. FS 245/2011) * Somerset West (1) (Ref. FS 246/2011) * Paarl (1) (Ref. FS 247/2011) * Vredendal (1) (Ref. FS 248/2011) • National Crime Scene Management: Pretoria (2) (Ref. FS 249/2011)
Salary level: Band B1 Notch 3: R174 264 per annum
Core functions: Process evidence/exhibits in the LCRC Laboratory • Adhere to procedures for receiving and processing evidence for fingerprints • Attend to crime scenes on request for the development and capturing of fingerprints on immovable items by means of specialised scientific equipment • Adhere to procedures for capturing and recording of the results of fingerprints and related examinations and represent evidence in court of law • Maintain the LCRC Laboratory facility and equipment according to the prescribed standards, whilst adhering to the guidelines of the Safety, Health and Environment Regulations • Maintain a quality control system in the LCRC Laboratory.
Requirements: Degree/National Diploma in Natural Science/Forensic Investigations/Criminalistic/Criminology or any NQF 6 qualifications relevant to Laboratory environment.

Forensic Analyst (Crime Scene Management)
• Eastern Cape: * Grahamstown (2) (Ref. FS 250/2011) * Maluti (2) (Ref. FS 251/2011) * Elliot (2) (Ref. FS 252/2011) * Butterworth (2) (Ref. FS 253/2011) * Fort Beaufort (2) (Ref. FS 254/2011) * Graaff-Reinett (2) (Ref. FS 255/2011) Middelburg (2) * East London (2) (Ref. FS 256/2011) * (Ref. FS 257/2011) * Mount Road (4) (Ref. FS 258/2011) * Jeffreys Bay (2) (Ref. FS 259/2011) * Provincial Task Team (5) (Ref. FS 260/2011) • Free State: * Welkom (4) (Ref. FS 261/2011) * Parkweg (6)(Ref. FS 262/2011) * Bethlehem (3) (Ref. FS 263/2011) * Kroonstad (3) (Ref. FS 264/2011) * Phuthaditjhaba (2)(Ref. FS 265/2011) * Selosesha (3) (Ref. FS 266/2011) * Sasolburg (2) (Ref. FS 267/2011) • Gauteng: * Johannesburg Central (3) (Ref. FS 268/201) * Krugersdorp (2) (Ref. FS 269/2011) * Pretoria Central (2) (Ref. FS 270/2011) * Protea Glen (2) (Ref. FS 271/2011) * Kempton Park (2) (Ref. FS 272/2011) * Sandton (2) (Ref. FS 273/2011) * Pretoria North (3) (Ref. FS 274/2011) * Vereeniging (2) (Ref. FS 275/2011) * Lyttelton (2) (Ref. FS 276/2011) * Springs (2) (Ref. FS 277/2011) * Garankuwa (2) (Ref. FS 278/2011) * Germiston (2) (Ref. FS 279/2011) • North West: * Brits (2) (Ref. FS 280/2011) * Klerksdorp (3)(Ref. FS 281/2011) * Lichtenburg (2) (Ref. FS 282/2011) * Mmabatho (3)(Ref. FS 283/2011) * Pudimoe (2) (Ref. FS 284/2011) * Zeerust (3) (Ref. FS 285/2011) * Potchefstroom (3) (Ref. FS 286/2011) * Rustenburg (3) (Ref. FS 287/2011) * Vryburg (2) (Ref. FS 288/2011) • Northern Cape: * De Aar (9) (Ref. FS 289/2011) * Upington (4) (Ref. FS 290/2011) * Springbok (7) (Ref. FS 291/2011) * Kimberley (6) (Ref. FS 292/2011) * Kuruman (4) (Ref. FS 293/2011) • Western Cape: * Provincial Task Team (6) (Ref. FS 294/2011) * Mitchells Plain (3) (Ref. FS 295/2011) * Bellville (3) (Ref. FS 296/2011) * Worcester (3) (Ref. FS 297/2011) * George (3) (Ref. FS 298/2011) * Somerset West (3) (Ref. FS 299/2011) * Paarl (2) (Ref. FS 300/2011) * Oudtshoorn (3) (Ref. FS 301/2011) • KwaZulu-Natal: * Ladysmith (2) (Ref. FS 302/2011) * Mtubatuba (2) (Ref. FS 303/2011) * Newcastle (2) (Ref. FS 304/2011) * Kokstad (2) (Ref. FS 305/2011) * Pietermaritzburg (2) (Ref. FS 306/2011) * Durban (3) (Ref. FS 307/2011) * Nqutu (2) (Ref. FS 308/2011) * Richards Bay (2)(Ref. FS 309/2011) * Ulundi (2) (Ref. FS 310/2011) * Vryheid (2) (Ref. FS 311/20110 * Port Shepstone (2) (Ref. FS 312/2011) • Limpopo: * Lephalale (1) (Ref. FS 313/2011) * Modimolle (2) (Ref. FS 314/2011) * Lebowakgomo (2) (Ref. FS 315/2011) * Thabazimbi(1) (Ref. FS 316/2011) * Thohoyandou (2) (Ref. FS 317/2011) * Musina (1) (Ref. FS 318/2011) * Polokwane (3) (Ref. FS 319/2011) * Groblersdal (1) (Ref. FS 320/2011) * Makhado (2) (Ref. FS 321/2011) * Mokopane (1) (Ref. FS 322/2011) * Phalaborwa (2) (Ref. FS 323/2011) * Tzaneen (2) (Ref. FS 324/2011) • Mpumalanga: * Ermelo (3) (Ref. FS 325/2011) * Acornhoek (2) (Ref. FS 326/2011) * Witbank (2) (Ref. FS 327/2011) * Lydenburg (2) (Ref. FS 328/2011) * Secunda (2) (Ref. FS 329/2011) * Nelspruit (2) (Ref. FS 330/2011) * Elikwatini (2) (Ref. FS 331/2011) * Kwamhlanga (2) (Ref. FS 332/2011) • National Crime Scene Management: Pretoria (2) (Ref. FS 333/2011)
Salary level: Band B1 Notch 3: R174 264 per annum
Core functions: Process crime scenes • Compile and provide related documents, such as exhibits which include, but are not limited, to fingerprints, photography plan drawing, videography forensic field work (ballistics) • Re-construct events and lead and submit evidence in court • Capture information with regard to SAPS Computerised Systems • Ensure optimal utilisation of resources.
Requirements: Degree/National Diploma in Natural Science/Forensic Investigations/Criminalistic/Criminology or any NQF 6 qualifications relevant to the Laboratory environment.

Forensic Analyst (Facial Identification)
Gauteng: Pretoria (1) (Ref. FS 334/2011) Salary level: Band B1 Notch 3: R174 264 per annum
Core functions: Compile a face with computer software from a verbal description of the witness or complainant • Provide a physical description and modus operandi of a wanted person or suspect • Sketch jewellery, other items or unidentified people to aid in the tracing of identification • Present lectures to SAPS members • Compile all applicable administrative documents and maintain resources • 2-D and 3-D facial reconstruction.
Requirements: Degree/National Diploma SAQA accredited NQF6 qualification with specification in Arts of which Fine Arts will be an advantage.

***Important General Information:

Only the official SAPS application_form (available on the SAPS website and at SAPS Recruitment Offices) will be accepted. The Z83 previously utilised will no longer be accepted

• All instructions on the application form must be adhered to, since failure to do so may result in the rejection of the application

• The application must be accompanied by all relevant certified copies of tertiary qualifications, academic record, Senior Certificate or Grade 12 Certificates, ID document, valid driver’s licence (where applicable), where applicable marriage certificate, ID of spouse and children birth certificates/ID and a detailed CV. No application will be accepted without these documents. The South African Police Service will verify the residential address and qualifications of applicants, as well as citizenship

• Reference checking will be conducted on all short-listed applicants

• The post particulars and reference number of the post must be correctly specified on the application form

• Applicants must not have been found guilty of previous criminal convictions or have left the Public Service as a result of a severance package, early retirement or medical reasons, as these applications will be rejected

• Short-listed candidates for appointment to certain identified posts, will be vetted in terms of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No 32 of 2007) and the Children’s Act, 2005 (Act No 38 of 2005). A candidate whose particulars appear in either the National Register for Sex Offenders or Part B of the Child Protection Register, will be disqualified from appointment to that post

• Through the filling of the abovementioned posts, applicants whose appointment will promote representivity may receive preference. If a candidate is short-listed, it can be expected of him/her to undergo a personal interview

• The South African Police Service is under no obligation to fill the post after the advertisement thereof

• Although the post is advertised, the National Commissioner may withdraw the post from the advertisement, re-advertise the post or fill the post by transferring a person at the same level where this is deemed to be in the interest of service delivery

• Applicants are advised to apply for posts closer to their residence

• Correspondence will be conducted with successful applicants only

• Late applications will not be considered

• No faxed applications will be allowed

• Applicants must submit separate applications for each post.

The closing date for applications is Friday, 2011-08-19.

Applications can be directed to:

Physical Address: 730 Pretorius Street, Sterlizia building, Arcadia, 0083.

Postal Address: Private Bag X322, Pretoria 0001,for attention: SPO SW Matsheni/SPO MP Motjelele.

Enquiries: SPO SW Matsheni/SPO MP Motjelele, tel. (012) 421-0584.

For the Provinces, applications and enquiries can be directed to the following addresses:
Gauteng Province: Johannesburg: The Provincial Head: Gauteng Province, Private Bag X19, Johannesburg 2000 or hand-deliver at Room 202, 2nd Floor, SAPS Building No 1, Commissioner Street, Johanneburg, for attention: Colonel MA Lotter Enquiries: Colonel MA Lotter, tel. (011) 497-7253

Eastern Cape Province: King William’s Town: Private Bag X7471, King William’s Town 5600 or hand-deliver at Cash Build Buildings, No 5 Cowen Close, Schornville, King William’s Town, for attention: Colonel Mpalo Enquiries: Colonel Mpalo, tel. (043) 604-6302/6303 Port Elizabeth: Private Bag X6019, Port Elizabeth 6000 or hand- deliver at Urban Donges Building, Hancock Street, North End, Port Elizabeth 6000, for attention: PO M Bradley or PO J Ntshiliza Enquiries: PO M Bradley or PO J Ntshiliza, tel. (041) 407-6706

Free State Province: Private Bag X20560, Bloemfontein 9300 or hand-deliver at corner Aliwal and Fontein Streets, Bloemfontein, for attention: Lt Col Setshego Enquiries: Lt Col Setshego, tel. (051) 507-6637/8.

KwaZulu-Natal Province: Durban: PO Box, 1965 Durban 4000 or hand-deliver at 2nd Floor, Servamus Building, 15 Ordinance Road, Durban, for attention: Capt Sighn Enquiries: Capt Sighn, tel. (031) 325-5916 Amazimtoti: PO Box 2082, Amazimtoti 4125 or hand-deliver at King Crest Building, 415 Kingsway Road, Kingsway, Amazimtoti 4125, for attention: SPO TN Dinga or SPO NL Makhubo Enquiries: SPO TN Dinga or SPO NL Makhubo, tel. (031) 904-0791

Limpopo Province: PO Box 829, Polokwane 0788 or hand-delliver at 8 Albatross Building, 19 Mark Street, Polokwane Enquiries: Capt Manya, tel. (015) 290-6797 Mpumalanga Province: Private Bag X1801, Middelburg 1050 or hand-deliver at 1st Floor, The Oak Centrum, corner Hendrik Potgieter and Cadc Streets, Middelburg, for attention: Colonel van Wyk or CAC A Carstens Enquiries: Colonel van Wyk or CAC A Carstens, tel. (013) 249-8236

Northern Cape Province: Private Bag X5001, Kimberley 8300 or hand-deliver at 3rd Floor, 33 Woodley Street, Kimberley, for attention: Lt Col Hlakanye Enquiries: Lt Col Hlakanye, tel. (053) 838-5643 North West: Private Bag X801, Potchefstroom 2531 or hand-deliver at 3rd Floor, Louis Le Grange Building, corner Peter Mokaba and Wolmarans Streets, Potchefstroom, for attention: Lt Col Knoetze Enquiries: Lt Col Knoetze, tel. (018) 299- 7067

Western Cape Province: Cape Town: Private Bag X9113, Cape Town 8000 or hand-deliver at 3rd Floor, Thomas Boydell Building, Parade Street, Cape Town Enquiries: Brigadier Jacobs or Lt Col Gouws, tel. (021) 467-6231/6240 Kuils River: Private Bag X3, Brandwood Park, Kuils River 7579 or hand-deliver at Somchem Building, A81 Reeb Road, Macassar 7130, for attention: Capt M Swart. Enquiries: Capt M Swart, tel. (021) 850-2880.