Dr Hancock & DNA Project featured in PUB 10 year celebratory book

Dr Carolyn Hancock and Prof Valerie Corfield at the PUB book launch.

The Public Understanding of Biotechnology (PUB), an initiative of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), celebrated a decade of existence in 2013 – an important milestone for the first communication programme on biotechnology in the country.

As part of its celebrations, PUB called for nominations to recognise contributions to the South African biotechnology sector by individuals for publication in a 10 year celebratory book highlighting their activities, institutions and contributions to the Biotechnology sector.

The book was officially launched by PUB at the Melrose Arch Hotel in Johannesburg on the 25th of November 2014.

DNA Project director Dr Carolyn Hancock was amongst those recognised and profiled for her work under the ‘Biotechnology Communication’ category.

Additionally, Prof Valerie Corfield, one of our Western Cape DNA Awareness trainers, was also recognised for her contribution to biotechnology, though not specifically through the DNA Project.

Congratulations to Carolyn and Valerie and all the successful nominees who were profiled for their amazing contributions to biotechnology =)

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