The DNA Project has formally been invited to present an oral submission to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Tuesday 3 February 2009 in respect of the new DNA Bill. The hearing will take place at Parliament in Cape Town, from 09h30. All interested parties are encouraged to attend.
Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill
Chairperson: Ms M M Sotyu, ANC MP
? 021 403 3806 021 403 2808 ?076 1682230 *
PO BOX 15, CAPE TOWN, 8000
27 January 2009
DNA Project
Ms V Lynch
Re: Oral Submissions on the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill
On behalf of Ms M M Sotyu I would like to inform you that the committee has afforded the DNA Project the opportunity to present an oral submission on the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill [B 2 – 2009]. The hearings are scheduled for Tuesday, 3 February 2009, 09:30 at Parliament. You are requested to prepare a presentation of 20 minutes, which focus on the contents of the Bill.
Please forward a copy of your presentation to me by no later than Monday,
2 February 2009 to allow for distribution to all members. Please contact me if you require any technical equipment in making your presentation.
If you need additional information please contact Jeremy Michaels, at (021) 403 3806 or e-mail:
Yours sincerely
J Michaels