MP to speak at DNA Conference tomorrow on DNA Bill

I have just arrived in Pretoria at the venue where the 2nd Annual African DNA Forensics conference is being held tomorrow through to Friday. I have been invited to present at the Conference together with a variety of speakers ranging from International DNA Forensic Experts as well as local Forensic Scientists. See the following link for the final program: Programme 2nd Annual African DNA Forensics conference 28-29 October 2010

You will notice that at tomorrow morning, we expect to see a small delegation of Members of the Parliament of the Portfolio Committee on Police (who are reviewing the DNA Bill)  including the Chairperson of the Committee, Ms Sindi Chikunga. Ms Chikunga has requested to present a talk which she has entitled “An Update on the progress of the development of the “DNA Bill” in South Africa.”

So – not only are some members of the Portfolio Committee going to be attending the conference to further learn about the value of DNA in a criminal context, but we are going to learn, from the ‘horses mouth’ so to speak, exactly what their intentions are with regard to the progress of the 2nd phase of the Bill. This is one presentation I am not going to miss and I shall be back tomorrow, to report with interest, on what was said……

Until then,


2 Responses to “MP to speak at DNA Conference tomorrow on DNA Bill”

  1. That is quite a line-up of speakers. I look forward to your feedback.

  2. David says:

    Can’t wait! It’s going to be good to hear what they say and (hopefully) finally get some answers for a change.