One of our ‘sister’ projects, which is also sponsored by The Change a Life Trust, is an organisation called I Choose to Change a Life, a turnaround programme that helps youngsters in conflict with the law to develop valuable leadership skills. The Valued Citizens Initiative (VCI) – launched ten years ago by Carole Podetti Ngono – lies behind this inspirational programme. Since 2001 VCI has trained more than 3 500 educators and 420 000 school children from 1 605 public schools across Limpopo, Gauteng, Free State and KawZulu-Natal. Its success lies in its ability to inspire children to respect positive values, take responsibility for their civic rights and abide by the rule of law.
Last Friday, our top South African cyclist, Robbie Hunter joined ‘wheels’ with some fellow cyclists and rode through Soweto in our awesome DNA Project cycling shirts to celebrate the remarkable achievements of six Soweto Primary Schools. This type of camaraderie is critical to the future of our country: and the rehabilitation of young offenders is an integral part of this process.
There are so many organisations doing great things – so many incredibly passionate people choosing to make a difference in our country. And every little bit counts. How do you create a forest? Start by planting a tree. Just one tree. I think the same goes for building up a nation – if we all just do something small, there is no limit to what we could achieve together.
More about “I Choose to Change a Life”:
iChoose to Change a Life selects youngsters with leadership potential from VCI’s youth diversion programme, which is supported by the Johannesburg, Wynburg and Randburg Childrens’ courts. In recent years there has been a shift from punitive criminal justice practices towards more rehabilitative options in South Africa. Of the 5 000 children whose cases are heard in SA’s courts each month, 1 500 are channelled into diversion programmes such as VCI’s. Young offenders aged between 13 and 21 are encouraged to develop a positive self-image, rebuild family relationships and learn communication skills and emotional intelligence. iChoose to Change a Life is a six-month leadership course focused on diverted offenders who have shown particular commitment and are inspired towards implementing positive change. About 30 youngsters complete the leadership course each year and are encouraged to launch their own anti-crime projects within their communities.
In South Africa an average of 13 000 children are arrested each month for crime. Continued exposure to victimisation, crime and violence has a marked impact on social development and for many young South Africans criminal behaviour has become normalised. In 2011 iChoose to Change a Life launched a series of Stand Against Crime clubs in vulnerable schools in Gauteng to raise awareness and encourage students to deal with issues around crime.