DNA Awareness Training DVD Complete!

As the year draws to a close, it is very exciting to share with you the fact that the DNA Awareness Training DVD has been completed. The final edit was a laborious process, but the time and effort spent on finalising it, was well worth the effort.  It is a great way to end a very busy year and we shall now work on a comprehensive roll out strategy to ensure that the information on the DVD is disseminated as widely as possible so that people become aware of the value of preserving DNA evidence on a crime scene.  We will be posting our strategy on line so that all interested parties are able to keep abreast of how to obtain copies of the DVD or receive DNA awareness training.

DNA Awareness DVD

DNA Awareness DVD

We shall be back in early 2010, hopefully with the Portfolio Committee in full swing with progress on the DNA Bill. Watch this space for more news on that front, as I will, as ever, be present at each Parliamentary meeting.

In the meantime,  the DNA Project team are taking some time out over Christmas and New Year to be with family and friends and to reflect on how much we have and perhaps, how much we may have lost but most especially, how much we still have to look forward to.

Take care & looking forward to connecting with  you all again next year.


What we have done this year...

What we have done this year...

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