1st issue of our new newsletter

Welcome to the 1st issue of our new regular newsletter for 2014 😀

Following the success of our annual newsletter towards the end of 2013, we’ve decided to include it on a more permanent basis as a regular feature, which we plan to release every couple of months, to further compliment our website and social media network.

April 2014 newsletter

This additional platform will grant us the opportunity to share with you a round-up of some of the key DNA Project happenings as well as highlight various noteworthy items and topics of interest such as past or upcoming events and workshops, media press articles, and even strange and interesting facts and cases relating to the world of DNA and forensics.

As always, we thank you for your continued support of the DNA Project and hope you will enjoy this jam-packed 1st issue and look forward to our the next issue, which will be available towards the end of June/early July.

Download our April 2014 newsletter (PDF)

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