Crime scene training


The DNA Project has produced a DNA Awareness training DVD which is utilised in conjunction with the Crime Scene Awareness Workshops to provide critical training throughout certain sectors of the community as well as the general public in South Africa. The training DVD contains basic information about DNA profiling and the value of DNA evidence, how to contain a crime scene as well as information about the National DNA Database and current legislation which seeks to regulate this area of the law. This information is of benefit to all first responding crime scene officers and trainees, whatever their role or rank, as it will enable them to use the technology of DNA profiling to provide intelligence and corroborative evidence in crime investigation. The training DVD was completed at the end of September 2009.

These Crime Scene Training Workshops have been highly successful, with workshops performed weekly in the Western Cape, Gauteng and Kwa-Zulu Natal. The main focus groups for the workshops are the private security sector, guarding services, emergency services, community police forums, the justice system and general public. All interested parties are requested to contact The DNA Project in the event that they wish to benefit from the Crime Scene Awareness Workshops.

The Crime Scene Awareness Workshops developed by the DNA project:

  • Provides a simple summary of DNA, the techniques of DNA profiling and the benefits of a National DNA Criminal Intelligence Database in crime investigation.
  • Identifies the responsibilities of the “First Officer Attending” the crime scene with potential DNA evidence.
  • Identifies the potential sources, locations and limitations of DNA evidence.
  • Highlights the importance of the correct handling and packaging of samples from crime scenes, suspects and complainants.
  • Provides information relating to the legislation that regulates the use of DNA as an evidential tool.
  • Provide viewing of the training DVD which reiterates all the information presented

Feedback From the Crime Scene Awareness Workshops

Academy of Emergency Medical Training (AEMT)- KZN
Ms Yolanda Massey

Found workshop “very informative” Would benefit all patient care – most of patients are victims of crime. By AEMT staff learning how to preserve the DNA evidence, more criminals/offenders can be brought to justice.
Very passionate about the DNA Project as part of their learning process.

Muslim Response Unit – Lenasia, Gtng
Mr Abraar Bhamjee

Firstly all who participated in the workshop had a great time, we enjoyed the entire session, it was a good learning experience.
The members felt that attending the workshop made them more alert of what to expect at a crime scene, what not to touch, how to observe, look for evidence, record or video the crime scene. They learnt what hair / saliva, anything that leaves DNA behind at a crime scene - how much value it adds to a case in order to try and apprehend the suspects. Others felt it made them more alert, vigilant and they are more confident and know what to do when they approach a crime scene.

Grassy Park SA Police Services – Western Cape
Warrant Officer Kliensmith

Found the workshop very interesting. What was described as “evidence” was found really relevant. Has learnt a lot about the forensic side of things. They definitely will improve their work when arriving first at a crime scene.

City of Cape Town Fire & Rescue – Western Cape
Mr Ian Stewart Bell

Felt it was a very important workshop. The strategic points mentioned in the workshop should be effective and implemented immediately within the SA context, especially referring to DNA profiling. This will improve all services working together.

CCID – Cape Town Central City Improvement District, WCape
Mr Muneeb Hendricks, Security Manager

Found the workshops very informative. The teams learnt a lot. Being security officers, the training makes them more confident and allow them to perform better on the streets.
The DNA workshops gave all officers the confidence to manage crime scenes when they are the first responders.

BKM Neighbourhood Watch – Western Cape
Mr Tony Schreiber – Chairperson

The NHW and community would be better prepared until the SA Police arrive, therefore assisting to ensure possible successful convictions.
Found the workshops fantastic, interesting and educational. Many residents gained new insight into the workings of DNA and relevance of crime scenes.